Menopause Matters at Lowell.
Lowell retain valuable colleagues and enhance team engagement & culture by investing in menopause awareness for all people leaders.
Potential talent loss of female colleagues due to menopausal impacts.
Leaders not feeling comfortable supporting their colleagues going through the menopause.
Colleagues feeling uninformed & isolated.
Avoidance of recruitment, induction & upskilling costs circa £30k* per colleague.
Employee engagement scores increase across the business.
Silver place winner for "Best Employer"at the 2022 'Women in Credit Awards' for outstanding work to build menopause awareness and support within Lowell.
*Source: Oxford Economics
Following the Covd-19 lockdowns it emerged that several female senior leaders within Lowell had struggled with their own menopause or had supported colleagues going through it.
There was a clear need to support and retain female colleagues. Leaders needed up-skilling to build the confidence and skills required, to support menopause confidently.
Lowell engaged the services of Thrive Leadership to design and deliver a bespoke program to equip leaders with both the knowledge and skills required.

A half day menopause awareness program was specifically developed for leaders. As well as sharing the facts about the menopause and why it's important to raise awareness and support colleagues, bespoke case studies were created by interviewing colleagues, male and female, within Lowell, to share the diverse impacts of the menopause.
This facilitated greater empathy and understanding, and gave leaders insight into something that many of them had not experienced or even thought about before.
The last part of the program focused on building the key leadership skills required to create a culture of trust and to have sensitive conversations, when required.
The program was well attended by leaders of all levels, functions, and demographics. A key aim of the program was to change perceptions and bust stereotypes. 170 leaders have been trained to date and feedback has been excellent.

“Colleague engagement at Lowell has remained high since the introduction of the programme late in 2021. In 2022 Lowell came runner up in the Women in Credit Awards for the work they had done around raising awareness of the menopause across the workplace. The 'Let's Talk About the Menopause Program' was instrumental in making this happen.”
Alison Leslie
OD Partner at Lowell
Greater understanding and empathy for colleagues going through the menopause.
Leaders who understand how to build a supportive culture of trust, for all colleagues.
Leaders with the skills and motivation to support their colleagues going through menopause.
Enhanced employee engagement as Lowell prioritise wellbeing as a key goal.
An on-going plan to train all new leaders to ensure a common language and clear expectations.
Would you like:
A culture where colleagues can speak openly about the menopause?
Leaders who feel confident to support colleagues going through the menopause, if required?
Colleagues who feel like they belong and are emotionally connected to the place where they work?
A more diverse, high performing, workforce, who reflect society?
Colleagues who feel valued, listened to and inspired?
HR colleagues, who understand the menopause and what mechanisms will help and support both leaders and colleagues within the organisation?
If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, we can help you!

If you would like to know more about how we can help your organisation, please get in touch. We'd love to learn more about you and your business.
If you want to book a time to chat, you can book a slot here.
Fill in the form below, email hello@thriveleader.co.uk or call on 07981 970479 and our team will get back to you.