Can Businesses Afford Not To Do Menopause Awareness?
In a nutshell, no.
There are currently over one million job vacancies in the UK economy and massive skills gaps in some sectors.
The last thing organisations need is a mass exodus of women at the height of their careers, due to a lack of understanding and support from their leaders. This makes very poor commercial sense as we are not safeguarding the talent we need to keep organisations flourishing.
Menopause typical affects women between 45-55 and symptoms may include loss of confidence, anxiety, poor memory, joint and muscle soreness, hair and skin issues, migraines, hot flushes and many others. In fact, there are over 40 symptoms of the menopause and every woman has her own experience.
The most alarming fact is that 12% of women experiencing the perimenopause or menopause resign from their roles due to struggling with their symptoms and not receiving the necessary support from their employer.
Retirement age is 67 and we need to retain women until this point, rather than accepting early exits as ‘normal’. Would we feel the same way if 12% of men were leaving the workplace?
52 % of our population will experience the menopause at some time in their life. Our economy cannot sustain this loss of talent.
The menopause isn’t just a women’s issue – it is a business one. Any employer of choice will ensure that colleagues and leaders understand the menopause, how it impacts colleagues and what they can do to support.
It costs £30k to replace a women in the workplace (hiring, induction & development)
One quarter of the worlds female population will be menopausal by 2030
The menopause is negatively impacting diversity at board (and all) levels and is increasing the gender pay gap and pension poverty
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